Army Public School Dagshai Admission 2024-25: Application, Address, Phone Number

Army Public School Dagshai offers admission to classes I to XII. The school was founded in the year 1986 and is located at  Dagshai, Solan (Himachal Pradesh) Find best possible info about Army Public School Dagshai admission 2024-25 regarding application form, how to apply, fee structure, address, phone number, facilities & many more.

Army Public School Dagshai Admission 2024-25

Army Public School Dagshai is counted among best CBSE schools across country. Here is a quick overview of the school:

Classes offered Classes I to XII
Affiliation CBSE
CBSE Affiliation No.
Age criteria for Class I05 years as on 31 March of admission year
Age Criteria for Class II06 years as on 31 March of admission year
Priority in admissionChildren of serving/retired Army, Air Force, Navy, DSC personnel. Children of civilians paid out of Defence Estimates, Para Military Forces including Coast Guard, GREF, MES, TA (when not embodied). Grand children of serving/retired Army personnel. (however such children will be considered as civilian).

Other children. (however such children will be considered as civilian).

Admission criteria for class I5 years as on 31 March of admission year
Admission criteria for class II to IXBased on admission test
Admission criteria for class XIDuly attested pass mark sheet+ documents said above
Documents required admissionBirth Certificate

One latest Passport size photograph of your ward

Proof of being defence personal

Copy of Aadhaar card

Application form date February
Application form cost Rs.50/-
Army Public School Dagshai phone number 12 622 01792-266651 9810553695 8894255774
Official website
Army Public School Dagshai addressDISTT SOLAN (HP)-173210

Army Public School Dagshai Syllabus

Classes Download link
Class 6View syllabus
Class 7View syllabus
Class 8View syllabus
Class 9View Syllabus
Class 10View Syllabus

Review and Comment Here

We welcome parents and students to review Army Public School Dagshai and raise their concern, if any. One can also discuss here about the school- it’s an open community to discuss your concerns. Please notify us if you find any error in the information provided above.


  1. Are we provided with study materials and mentors for JEE in class XI-XII science stream in APS DAGSHAI?

  2. Sir/Ma’am
    For class 11
    Stream: commerce

    What is important for admission
    As in academic score (specially in pre boards)

    Or it dependa on entrance?

    Thank you.

    1. admit cart on clss 9 will be given as soon as the regrestation is complete .last date for regestration is 31 december

  3. My son ka birthday 03/12/2010 ka hi 5th class me admison karana hi hoga kya full jaankari chahiye, fess ka bhi.
    My name is khagesh kumar

    1. Dear sir
      I want my son to join your school , he need admission in 11th class but the given website don’t show non med streem .plz rply ASAP.

  4. mere larka ka janam 06 05 2009 hai 6th class ke liye admission karana chahtu hu

  5. Date of birth of my son is 23 May 2010,is reading in 5th class session 2020 April 2021 March, can my son apply to 6th class?

  6. मेरी लड़की की जन्म 23फरवरी 2009 है किस क्लास के लिये एडमिशन ले सकती है

    1. mere larka ka janam 06 05 2009 hai 6th class ke liye admission karana chahtu hu

  7. Respected Sir,

    With reference to my earlier letters I hereby convey my willingness to admit in 8 th or 9 std in your good school in case vacancy available.In view of the above I once again request you good selves to kindly arrange to allot seat enable me to take further necessary action.Your early action in this regard is highly solicited.
    Thanking you
    Yours faithfully

    Junior officer (sur)

    1. 7th क्लास के लिए कितनी वैकेंसी है2021 के एडमिशन के लिये लड़की की जन्म 23फरवरी 2009 है किस क्लास के लिए अप्लाई करे sir

    2. Respected Sir,

      With reference to my earlier letters I hereby convey my willingness to admit in 8 th or 9 std in your good school in case vacancy available.In view of the above I once again request you good selves to kindly arrange to allot seat enable me to take further necessary action.Your early action in this regard is highly solicited.
      Thanking you
      Yours faithfully

      Junior officer (sur)
      DCIL, KOCHI.

  8. I want my kids admission in first class what are the steps my husband is retired naval personal

  9. I want my kids admission in first class what are the steps my husband is retired naval personal

  10. Sir my daughter have given exam of 10thclass and we want admission in 11th class in your school.she gave exam of 10 class in APS Jodhpur.
    Please you reply what is the process in taking admisson in your school.

  11. I Want to know when will the result of entrance test 2020 class 9th and 7th will be

  12. I want to admission for my son in class 7th in your school. Kindly update the procedure how to admission

  13. Good Evening Sir/Mam

    kindly tell me the procedure for admission and from which standard i can enrolled my sisters daughter. She is studying in 4 th class can we take admission in 5th class


  14. I want my son to get admission in 6 the class.what is the procedure and syllabus for entrance exam. Appropriate schedule.

  15. My son is studying in UKG and he will complete 6ys in April’2020
    I m looking admission for 1st class.
    What is the procedure?
    From where I will get prospectus?

    1. Good evening sir Archana From ARKI sir meri beti 9th class Mai hai ek hi beti hai Mai iski apke school Mai admission karvana chahti hu boarding Mai kya ho Sakti hai plz reply

  16. Sir ,
    My daughter is considering for class 5 , could you please send the syllabus and notify the admission details.

  17. Sir ,
    Would you please send the syllabus for class 5 , and let us know about the date of exam

  18. Sir my daughter is studying VII grade now. I wanted know what will be the process for VIII class to take Admission in Army Public School. Thank u

    1. There will be entrance test of 400 marks from subject Hindi (100 marks), English (100 marks), Mathematics (100 marks), Science & GK (100 marks).

      1. Sir plz tell me how to get prospectus of school for 9th class
        Because I live from rajasthan

    1. Your ward has to appear for entrance test consisting question in the following way:
      Hindi- 100 marks
      English- 100 marks
      Mathematics- 100 marks
      Science & GK- 100 marks

    2. My daughter’S date of birth is 27 Oct 2010. In which class she can get admission in next season.

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