Kendriya Vidyalaya Bairagarh की अस्थापना 1975 में की गयी थी. The highest education offered by Kendriya Vidyalaya Bairagarh यह विद्यालय डिफेन्स सेक्टर के अन्तर्गत आता है. The school is counted among 1252 Kendriya Vidyalayas located across the country and abroad. The school is located in Bhopal district. यह विद्यालय भोपाल क्षेत्र के प्रशासनिक नियंत्रण में है| यह विद्यालय संसदीय क्षेत्र भोपाल के अन्तर्गत आता है। पूरी जानकारी के लिए इस article को पढ़ें.
For the academic session 2023-2024, the official advertisement is likely to be released in last week of February, 2023 and online registration for class I will commence from March 2023. The complete schedule will be provided after the release of its respective notification.
केंद्रीय विद्यालय बैरागढ़ के द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली सुविधाएं
क्लास रूम
विज्ञान प्रयोगशाला
कंप्यूटर लैब
जूनियर साइंस लैब
संसाधन कक्ष (प्राथमिक)
संसाधन कक्ष (माध्यमिक)
गतिविधि कक्ष
स्टाफ कॉमन रूम
FEE STRUCTURE (PER MONTH) w.e.f. 01.04.2013
Admission Fee
Rs. 25.00
Re Admission Fee
Rs 100.00
Tutition Fee
Class IX & X (Boys)
Rs 200.00
Class XI & XII Commerce & Humanities (Boys)
Rs 300.00
Class XI & XII Science (Boys)
Computer Fund (Class III onwards wherever Computer Education is being imparted)
Rs 100.00
Class III onwards wherever Computer Education is being imparted
What is the mode to take admission in class 5 and 6 for my daughter pls reply me sir
Mode of application: Offline
Last date: 12th April 2023
You can apply for class 5 and class 6 only if vacancy available.
Pls tell me about class 5th admissions date.and how to apply for my daughter
मुझे मेरी बेटी का कक्षा 2 में एडमिशन कराना है कृपया मुझे अवश्यक जानकारी दें
Please tell me about 2nd class admission date and how to apply for my child.
Admission to class 2 will be done between 20th to 25th July 2020 (if vacancy available). The admission is to be done in offline mode.