List of Scheduled Tribes in Uttar Pradesh

The tribal population of Uttar Pradesh majorly belongs to rural areas and residing in villages. Tharu is the most crowded tribe in the state. Check out the full list of scheduled tribes in Uttar Pradesh here. I am also going to highlight total ST population in UP, sex ratio, literacy & educational level, marital status, religion etc according to the data shared by Census India.
List of Scheduled Tribes in Uttar Pradesh
Go through the list of Scheduled Tribes in UP. You may also get questions from this this category in General awareness section of your exam.
- Tharu
- Bhotia
- Jaunsari
- Buksa
- Raji
- Gond, Dhuria, Nayak, Ojha, Pathari, Raj Gond (in the districts of Mehrajganj, Sidharth Nagar, Basti, Gorakhpur, Deoria, Mau, Azamgarh, Jonpur, Balia, Gazipur, Varanasi, Mirzapur and Sonbhadra)
- Bhuiya, Bhuinya (in the district of Sonbhadra)
- Chero (in the districts of Sonbhadra and Varanasi)
- Patari (in the district of Sonbhadra)
- Agariya (in the district of Sonbhadra)
- Pankha, Panika (in the districts of Sonbhadra and Mirzapur)
- Baiga (in the district of Sonbhadra)
- Parahiya (in the district of Sonbhadra)
- Saharya (in the district of Lalitpur)
- Kharwar, Khairwar (in the districts of Deoria, Balia, Ghazipur, Varanasi and Sonbhadra)
Total Scheduled Tribes Population in Uttar Pradesh
According to Census 2011, the total Scheduled Tribe population in Uttar Pradesh is 1,134,273 out of which 1,031,076 belong to rural areas and 103,197 belong to urban areas. A majority of ST population in UP around 88.8 percent is residing in villages. The district wise distribution of Scheduled Tribal Population shows Kheri district holds the highest number of ST population followed by Balrampur, Shrawasti & Bahraich districts. Among all STs, Tharu is the most populous tribe in Uttar Pradesh.
Literacy & Educational Level of ST Population in UP
We can see positive change in literacy rate of Scheduled Tribes in Uttar Pradesh from 20 per cent at 1991 census to 35.1 per cent at 2001 census to 55.7 percent at 2011 census. It’s a good sign that literacy rate of Scheduled Tribe population in UP is increasing at an alarming rate. Male and female literacy in the state are 67.1 percent and 43.7 percent respectively. Let’s check the literacy rate of STs in Uttar Pradesh rural and urban areas.
Literacy Rate | Person | Male | Female |
Rural | 54.5 | 66.2 | 42.3 |
Urban | 67.0 | 74.8 | 58.0 |
Sex Ratio
If we talk about the sex ratio of ST population in Uttar Pradesh it is 934 females per 1000 males which is still much lower than the national average of 978 for all STs.
All five tribes of Uttar Pradesh have recorded an average sex ratio less than the national level. Yes, we can see Bhotia, Tharu and Buksa recorded a sex ratio above 900, whereas, Jaunsari and Raji still have the sex ration less than 900 and 800 respectively.
List of Major Scheduled Castes of Uttar Pradesh
Caste | Population (2001) | Out of total SC population |
Kol | 3,31,374 | 0.90 percent |
Gond | 4,43,457 | 1.30percent |
Dhanuk | 5,42,651 | 1.50 perent |
Khatik | 7,64,765 | 2 percent |
Balmiki | 11,66,383 | 3.30 percent |
Kori | 20,00,628 | 6 percent |
Dhobi | 21,84,212 | 6 percent |
Pashuram gautra | 55,97,002 | 16 percent |
Chamar | 1,98,03,106 | 56 percent |
According to Census 2001 data:
Hindu | 80.6 percent |
Muslim tribes | 0.9 percent |
Tribes following Christianity | 0.3 percent |
Sikhism and Buddhism | Each 0.1 percent |
Kindly Update Your Information Gonds are also In st in 4 new districts…
Yes, You are right admin should update the information….
Good article
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