Army Public School Faizabad Admission 2024-25: Application, Fee Structure, Address, Phone Number

Army Public School Faizabad offers admission to classes I to XII. The school was founded in the year 1992 and is located at Faizabad Cantt, Uttar Pradesh. Find best possible info about Army Public School Faizabad admission 2024-25 regarding application form, how to apply, fee structure, address, phone number, facilities & many more.

Army Public School Faizabad Admission 2024-25

Army Public School Faizabad is counted among best CBSE schools across country. Here is a quick overview of the school:

Classes offered Classes I to XII
Affiliation CBSE
CBSE Affiliation No.2130221
Age criteria for Class I05 years as on 31 March of admission year
Age Criteria for Class II06 years as on 31 March of admission year
Priority in admissionChildren of serving/retired Army, Air Force, Navy, DSC personnel. Children of civilians paid out of Defence Estimates, Para Military Forces including Coast Guard, GREF, MES, TA (when not embodied). Grand children of serving/retired Army personnel. (however such children will be considered as civilian).

Other children. (however such children will be considered as civilian).

Admission criteria for class I5 years as on 31 March of admission year
Admission criteria for class II to IXBased on admission test
Admission criteria for class XIDuly attested pass mark sheet+ documents said above
Documents required admissionBirth Certificate

One latest Passport size photograph of your ward

Proof of being defence personal

Copy of Aadhaar card

Application form date February
Application form cost Rs.50/-
Army Public School Faizabad phone number 12 1332 05278224944 9415716758
Official website
Army Public School Faizabad address32 PUNJAB LINE, FAIZABAD CANTT (UP)
PIN – 224001

Army Public School Faizabad Syllabus

Classes Download link
Class 6View syllabus
Class 7View syllabus
Class 8View syllabus
Class 9View Syllabus
Class 10View Syllabus

Fee Structure

Army Public School Faizabad is one of the best Army schools in India. Please go through the fee structure of school provided below:

Sr. No.On Account ofOffrsJCOsORCIVs
Registration Fees440440440440
Admission Fee14307705506050
Security (Refundable)6000400030009000
Exam & Sty270270270270
Games & Sports335270205665
Play way upto Class V270205170470
School Journal170170170170
Insurance Premium120120120120
Class I to V1798168815784108
Class VI to X1914179816884328
Class XI & XII1958184817324455
Computer Fee incl CAL110110110165
Pupils Fund105105105170
Science FeeIX & X656565105
XI & XII105105105170
Computer Science Fee*858585170

Note : *Applicable for students who have taken Computer Science or Info Practice as elective subject. Computer Science Fee will be in addition to Computer Fee.

Review and Comment Here

We welcome parents and students to review Army Public School Faizabad and raise their concern, if any. One can also discuss here about the school- it’s an open community to discuss your concerns. Please notify us if you find any error in the information provided above.


  1. I am a civilian as a medical buisnessman.
    I want to admission in 2nd class of my son.
    Is it possible.
    Plz reply.

    1. Children of serving Army personnel coming on transfer from out station will not be denied admission at any time of the year based on the availability of seat and quality and qualifying in the Entrance Examination.

  2. my son and Daughter want to take admission in your school 6th and 1st class, what is the procedure

  3. I am Priya yadav in 8 standard from Canossa convent girl’s inter college and I want admission in your school.

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