Days and Dates

World Sketchnote Day 2024: History, Date and Story

World Sketchnote Day 2024 date is 11th January 2024. This is a special day for those smart doodlers who know and understand the value of visual learning. As the world is getting more digital and relevancy of this day is on the rise. The main objective of this day is to promote the benefit of taking notes in a visual mode.

Sketchnotes are a great way to take notes during important events or for learning new things. The key is in the process: creating them and then sharing them with others.

World Sketchnote Day 2024 Date and Story

Every year, we celebrate World Sketchnote day on 11th of January. Now, you know the date. But, do you know the interesting story behind the selection of this date?

The day of 11th January was chosen on a suggestion by James Saretta on Twitter. Saretta is a friend of Mike Rohde who is the creator of World Sketchnote Day. Earlier Mike was thinking of planning this day for 1st December.

“It is important for us to understand that Sketchnoting is a visual note-taking technique that allows you to take notes and draw information. It’s more than just doodles; it’s a way to visually represent information.”  

History of World Sketchnote Day  

First held on 11th January 2016, the inaugural World Sketchnotes Day was hosted by renowned creators Mauro Toselli and Mike Rohde. They collaborated with each other and other fellow artists to create a company called Sketchnote Army.

When the first World Sketchnote Day was celebrated, Participants illustrated everything from ideas to handwritten letters with freely available digital sketches. Many illustrations were created digitally using a tablet or a laptop. Others utilized digital drawing programs on a computer or a smartphone. The event provided an international platform for illustrators, cartoonists, and other visual communicators to showcase their work.

Since then, this day is celebrated every year. It is an awesome platform for digital artists to showcase their talent.

About International Kite Day

How to celebrate World Sketchnote Day 2024?

Well, there is no fixed set of rules for the celebration of World Sketchnote Day. This day is for everyone from newbies to experts and professionals to enthusiasts. Go through the list of some of the suggestive celebration measures.

  • Know about the World Sketchnote Day contest happening near you and jump in the challenge. In these challenges, contestants are generally asked to create Sketchnotes of various themes.
  • Don’t forget to use the hashtag #SNDay2024 while posting your work.
  • You can create a local Sketchnoting meetup in your city.
  • Grab some post-its, and a marker, and decorate your workplace, gym, bus, train, etc. You can also decorate the subway while commuting with mini-sketchnotes, and then publish pictures online. Remember, there are no rules. 
  • You can hang a large piece of paper somewhere and start a visual dialogue with your co-worker or even with complete strangers.
  • You may also gift yourself or your friend a new notebook.
  • Build a hand-bound journal and create a stunning cover for it.
  • If you have kids at home then you can gift them a new pen, pencil, or marker.

Get Started with Sketchnotes

It is very easy to begin sketchnoting, you just need any paper and pen. You can also markers, paint, or any other medium that you have available.

  • To begin, think about what you want to record in your sketchbook or journal. You can select a meeting with colleagues, an upcoming event like a conference or trade show that you’re attending, or even just some thoughts on life.
  • Now, sketch out what you need as visuals in order of importance or relevance.
  • Write down key points using bullet points or numbered lists. You may include links if possible (useful websites).
  • Draw simple sketches of the things you want to remember. Use different types of lines and shapes to emphasize important points. Add color if you want!

Understand Sketchnotes and their significance

 Sketchnotes are visual notes. They’re not meant to be formal or professional, but rather personal and informal. The idea is that you can make a sketchnote about anything: sayings from your favorite movie, an experience at work, or even just something that happened today!

There are so many ways to use sketchnotes in your life to record ideas for blog posts or articles. You can create a quick guide for friends or gather information on anything from music festivals to restaurants with interesting food options.

There are no limits to what you can do with sketchnotes! They’re a great way to get your ideas out there, and they’re even more fun when you share them with others.

World Sketchnote Day 2024 Facts

Date11th January 2024
ObjectiveTo celebrate the art of Sketchnoting
CreatorsMike Rhode and Mauro Toselli
Hashtags#WorldSketchnoteDay #SketchnoteDay #WorldSketchnoteDay2024


Who discovered the word Sketchnote?

Mike Rohde coined the term “Sketchnote” in the year 2007.

When was the first World Sketchnote Day Celebrated?

The first World Sketchnote Day was celebrated on 11th January 2016.

Why do we celebrate World Sketchnote Day?

We celebrate this day to mark the importance of Sketchnoting. It is also an opportunity for sketchnoting artists to display their unique works.   

How is a sketchnote different from a drawing?

Drawings are only illustrations of something you see or imagine. On the other hand, a sketchnote is a record of information using drawings as well as texts

Sketchnoting is a great way to take notes during important events or for learning new things. It’s the perfect tool for someone who wants to learn how to write better, become more creative, or just enjoy the process of taking notes. You can also share your sketchnoting ideas with the world through the comment section below.

Marissa Johnson

Marissa Johnson is a passionate writer who likes to present facts in an interesting way. With a passion for research, she loves to dive deep into the world of significant events including important days around the world. Marissa’s articles also provide helpful details about the net worth of celebrities all around the globe.

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