CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25 with PDF

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has provided the syllabus of Mathematics subject for class 3 students as per the latest education system of the country. The main objective of CBSE Class 4 Mathematics syllabus 2024 is to help the students understand the methods to solve mathematics problem using real life examples. The syllabus includes basic problems on submission, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. Additionally, the mathematics syllabus also has some problems on basic geometrical figures as well. The students should read the syllabus carefully in order to prepare for the mid-term and annual exam. We are providing the latest CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25 in this post.
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CBSE Class 4 Mathematics Syllabus 2024-25
Apart from the student, the syllabus provides the proper guidelines for the teachers as well. Using syllabus, teachers can plan what chapters they have to teach in the class within a given frame of time. Overall, the syllabus comprises of 14 chapters based on the various aspects of the mathematics like time and distance, shapes, tables, etc. The list of all the chapters included in the CBSE Class 4 Mathematics syllabus 2024 is as follows.
- Chapter – 1: Building with Bricks
- Chapter – 2: Long And Short
- Chapter – 3: A Trip To Bhopal
- Chapter – 4: Tick-Tick-Tick
- Chapter – 5: The Way The World Looks
- Chapter – 6: The Junk Seller
- Chapter – 7: Jugs And Mugs
- Chapter – 8: Carts And Wheels
- Chapter – 9: Halves And Quarters
- Chapter – 10: Play With Patterns
- Chapter – 11: Tables And Shares
- Chapter – 12: How Heavy? How Light?
- Chapter – 13: Fields And Fences
- Chapter – 14: Smart Charts
All the chapters mentioned above are aimed to engage the children at the same time introducing them to the various concepts of the Mathematics subject. The students are advised to solve as many problems as possible to practice their skills. It is also recommended that the students should follow the NCERT books for practicing mathematics problems. Students can take help from their teachers in case of any doubts regarding any chapter in the syllabus.
CBSE Class 4th Mathematics Syllabus: Download PDF
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