Top 10 Safest Countries in the World 2023

The Institute of Economics and Peace(IEP) conducts a data driven research to determine the level of peace in 163 independent countries in the world and recognize its value in the economy. IEP is dedicated to shifting the focus of the world to positive and sensible measure of human well being and progress.
European countries have been forever taking the lead in the peaceful ranking followed by a few Asian countries. Some of the countries like Russia and Nigeria rank lowest on the World Peace Index because of a variety of measures like number of homicides, general lack of trust, instability in the government, corruption, scams and other crimes.
Top 10 Safest Countries in the World in 2023
1. Iceland
Iceland has constantly been one of the most peaceful countries in the world as per the Global Peace Index. The police of Iceland are not even armed, the S.W.A.T team does carry guns but they never need to use it as the crime rate is between 0-1.5%. A typical college degree in Iceland costs less than a month’s rent. In addition to an impressive employment rate, it is also considered the most gender equal country in the entire world and has never witnessed pride protest.
2. New Zealand
New Zealand is ranked 2nd on the Global Peace Index for a variety of reasons. The people of New Zealand believe in fair-play, honesty and trust making it one the least corrupted nations of the world. Their nature and it’s beauty is a sight to behold. The community is really kind and everyone does their part of keep the place clean and maintain harmony between people.
3. Portugal
Portugal ranks 3rd on the Global Peace Index and is one of the oldest countries in Europe. It quite evidently roots itself in common respect for one another. The cost of living in Portugal is ranked lowest among most European countries. The aesthetically pleasing and safe towns have attracted loads of tourists which in turn has greatly aided it’s economy. According to the Annual Global Retirement Index, Portugal is ranked as the best country for retirement.
4. Austria
Austria comes 4th on the Global Peace Index. Even after sharing open borders with 8 countries, it never had an issue with major terrorist activities. Besides the pickpocket and petty theft problems that the travelers in Austria face, it’s a relatively very safe place to visit. The Federal Police in Austria is the main law enforcement that ensures public safety and security.
5. Denmark
Denmark ranks 5th on the Global Peace Index and is also considered the happiest country in the world. According to World Happiness report, happiness is closely linked to social equality and community spirit, and Denmark does well on both. People of Denmark enjoy freedom as people have reported they feel safe on the streets even in the night time. The parents even leave their kids outside without fearing kidnapping or any other crime. Health care and education is free of cost and childcare is subsidized.
6. Canada
Canada is the 6th most safest country in the world according to the World Peace Index. It has great employment rate and job opportunities. Many Indians are known to travel to Canada for job opportunities and permanent migration. The crime rate is extremely low and the Canadian government believes in helping the convicts mentally and psychologically for them to strive to be a better person. The country also has the reputation of having a really friendly community.
7. Singapore
Singapore holds the 7th place in the Global Peace Index. Singapore is know as one of the safest countries because of it’s transparent government. The people have faith in its reliable police force. The community often works together in maintaining general cleanliness of their surroundings. Law enforcement in Singapore is know to be very strict, which explains the extremely low crime rates and builds fear among criminals. Public transportation is also considered especially comfortable and safe, even for women travelling alone at night.
8. Czech Republic
According to GPI, Czech Republic is the 8th safest country in the world. The population is only 1.7 crores and the capital city Prague is also considered to be one of the safest cities in the world. The country has relatively been spared in terms of terrorism and has very low crime rate. Effective government and police force have taken measures to not make any weapons easily accessible. Because of this the country has seen significant drop in violent crimes and climbed it’s way up from 10th rank toh 8th.
9. Japan
Japan holds the 9th rank on the Global Peace Index. It has made it’s way on this list for 13 consecutive years. The country has zero tolerance for drugs and firearms. The capital of the country, Tokyo is regarded as one the most safest countries in the world with almost 0 violent crimes. The people of Japan are also known to be extremely welcoming, disciplined and punctual. Japan also has highly developed infrastructure and extremely safe public transport. All combined, makes it a perfect spot for solo travelers but it is advised to look out for your personal belongings to avoid petty theft.
10. Switzerland
Switzerland is the 10th safest country according to the GPI. Majority of it’s citizens do own guns, but the firearm related crimes are still as low as 2.8 per 100000 people. The community is highly educated and has law abiding people. The government ensures to enforce strict and equal rules for all of it’s citizens. Due to these disciplinary actions and literacy rate, less and less people are indulged in criminal activities, indeed making Switzerland one of the safest countries.
The global pandemic has had a very terrible impact even on the safest countries in terms of public health, healthcare infrastructure and interpersonal conflicts. As the mental and personal health of the whole world struggled, the morale was extremely low globally. Although all the places globally are showing significant signs of improvement, it’s important to stay safe in these tough times. No matter how safe a country is, it’s always vital to have good common sense and presence of mind to avoid unnecessary troubles and petty theft like small scams, pickpocketing, robbery etc.