Best Phonics Courses for Children 2024: Top 10 Phonics Courses For Kids

Phonics is a way to teach children the correct sounding and pronunciation of English words. Considered as the basic building blocks of the English language, Phonics aims at helping children how to read and write, identify and use different sounds. It also allows children to be able to not just create but understand these words and make sentences out of them. Below here we have presented a list of the best phonics courses for children where parents can enroll their kids for the best outcome.
Top 10 Phonics Courses For Kids 2024
Here are the top 10 courses for your children where they will learn phonics in a fun and interactive environment.
Phonics Learning Program at NutSpace includes stories, games, music, body movement, role play and drama as a way to teach little kids not only how to read but works like wonder at enhancing their vocabulary and language skills. Focus is also given on comprehension as children won’t be able to enjoy the things they don’t completely understand.
Considering the short attention span of the children, a multisensory approach towards learning is taken at NutSpace. Their engaging lesson plans warms the little kid up for learning in the most attractive way. At NutSpace, they also provide pre-recorded lessons, extended learning and tutorials and worksheets for parents so they can also be a part of their child’s learning. The first level teaches the children about single letter sounds and the second level teaches them digraph sounds.
Phonics Mantra
Phonics Mantra believes in the Jolly Phonics methodology and designs programs that imply all five senses towards learning which proves to be a very effective methodology. Even kids who are suffering from Dyslexia can find themselves reading and writing confidently just after a few successful classes.
The curriculum at Phonics Mantra is based on fun yet scientifically phonic based, multi-sensory English Methodology. The curriculum was designed after referring to different proven international books and based on the curriculum started by Jolly Learning Ltd, UK. It includes the following classes-
- Jolly English
- Jolly Phonics
- Jolly Grammar
- Creative Writing
- Handwriting Improvement
- International Story Telling
- Mindworks Brain Exercises
- Summer Camp
Phonics Kingdom
The five basic skills for reading and writing- Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, Comprehension and Spelling are all taught at the same time throughout the Jolly Phonics for Kids program. The program is multi-sensory and teaches phonics, writing, word recognition and early spelling skills in a fun and interactive way are specifically designed keeping young children in time. The children are not just taught the alphabets sounds but all the 42 main letter sounds and how they are written.
Complete teaching program of Phonics Kingdom is divided into five basic skills divided further into the given section- learning the letter sounds (42 sounds), learning the letter formations, reading/ blending, identifying the sounds in words and tricky words. The aim is to help kids to interpret words on their own, initiate progressive learning, develop their spelling skills, learn new words and build up their vocabulary, improve their independent writing ability, read faster, independently ,effectively and accurately from very early on, better their comprehension skills, master writing skills and decode words they encounter while reading.
Phonics Power
Different levels of courses are offered by Phonics Power based on the age group of children. These are distinguished as following:
L1 – Phonics Fundamentals – Age group (5 to 7 years)
By the end of program, this course aims to teach children: Learn the 42 sounds of English with Jolly Phonics, develop the ability to read age-appropriate books, identify the sounds in a word to spell, blend the sounds to read words, phrases & sentences, etc.
L2 – Phonics Advanced – Age group (6 to 8 years)
By the end of program, this course aims to teach children: Learn spelling patterns and syllabication with Jolly Grammar, Write simple, grammatically correct sentences, Develop reading comprehension, Learn spelling rules of English
L3 – Great Grammar – Age group (8 to 10 years)
By the end of program, this course aims to teach children: Learn various techniques and steps for writing creatively, Enhance and hone the independent writing skills, Learn to make interrogative and imperative sentences, etc.
L4 – Super Scholars – Age group (9 & above)
By the end of program, this course aims to teach children: To write with independently and creatively with higher standards, To evaluate students reading ability with reports, Rebuild the reading habit among children, etc.
L5 Super Genius – Age group (10 & above)
This is an extension of Super Scholars where students are given extensive training in preparing for their Cambridge KET qualification (A2 English Level).
Phonics Bee (Spell India)
Spell India offers its Phonics Bee course which is based on “Learn-n-Test” method and is suitable for students from Junior KG to Class 2. There are multiple levels of the learning program, which rather than being class specific depends on the current skill status of the child. The program aims to make children be able to read words and asks for active support from the parents as well. The learning here is based on Phonics Swar Gyan developed by Debashis Pati. Debashis Pati is a renowned Spelling Habit Creator, a Phonics Teacher Trainer and a guide to Mothers of young children.
The different levels of learning last for 2 months each and not more than six students are registered in a batch. Again it is important that the parents take an active part in their children’s learning so that maximum advantage can be taken from these courses.
Both Berlitz Method and multi-sensory synthetic phonics method is implied at Berlitz to teach children read and write confidently from an early age. Main focus is given on development of reading and writing skills by using letter formation, word recognition, challenging words, blending and segmenting. Multi-sensory materials and classroom activities supports different learning styles which help children gain understanding of these things at their little age.
Small groups are made so that focus can be given on every child individually. Berlitz Method assists in strengthening the child’s confidence and increasing their passion for learning, creativity, and knowledge. Dynamic and interactive classroom activities, well-trained instructors to teach the course, more one-on-one time given to students are some of the best features of their program.
Learn2Read rely on their fun and interactive learning courses to teach the right phonics concepts. Emphasis is given to make sure the kids learn every word in the right way and not just understand their pronunciation but their meaning as well. Courses are curated for every age group, keeping in mind the needs and attention span of that age group.
Correct Pronunciations, Spelling Rules, Improved Comprehension and Fluent Reading are the major goals that experts at Learn2Read strive to achieve. The curriculum is divided into the following courses which cater to each age group and stage of learning:
For English courses-
- Junior Reader Course: Age Group 3 – 4 years
- Active Reader Course: Age Group 4 – 5.5 years
- Power Reader Course: Age Group 5 – 7 years
- Super Readers Course: Age Group 6 – 8 years
- Comprehensive English Course: Age Group 5.5 – 7 years
For Hindi courses-
- Chandrabindu – Level 0: Age Group 4 – 5 years
- Chandrabindu – Level 1: Age Group 4.5 – 5.5 years
- Chandrabindu – Level 2: Age Group 5 – 7 years
Vedantu SuperReaders is a phonics program where children between the ages of 4-6are taught to read independently and with comprehension using the phonics technique. The curriculum is designed by the top language experts and every class is a fun-filled experience with games and rewards, stories and songs, interactive tasks and sounds through actions
There are 1 to 1 classes with features like customised pace of learning, 100% dedicated attention and flexible class timings and 1 to 4 group classes with fixed schedule which emphasizes on peer learning and collaborative activities. Normally, 2 classes per week are held which allows the children to get ample amount of time to absorb and practice learning.
Kiz Phonics
A progressive program using a synthetic phonics approach is designed by Kiz Phonics to teach kids how to read. To teach phonics a complete set of activities is structured by levels from preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade to 2nd grade. The program is carefully arranged by levels from Preschool Ages 3 to 4, Kindergarten Ages 4 to 6, 1st Grade Ages 6 to 7 & 2nd Grade Ages 7 to 8.
The following phonics activities are offered for preschool, kindergarten, first and second grade learners:
- Phonics Alphabet Resources
- Phonics Worksheets by Level
- Phonics Games to Practice
- Flashcards for Phonemic Awareness
- Handwriting Worksheets for Print Awareness
- Listening Materials to Match Worksheets
- Phonics Stories to Develop Reading
- Phonics PPT Lessons
- Phonics Songs to Review Phonemes
- Lesson Videos to Teach Phonemes
- Assessments to Track Level Progress
Rainbow Phonics
Three major programs are designed by the Rainbow Phonics based on the age group and understanding level of the young ones. These are:
Rainbow Phonics For Beginner
Designed for the age group 4 to 5 years old, the course is intended to achieve the following:
- Building phonological and phonemic awareness
- Reading words, phrases and sentences
- Tricky words-reading and spelling
- Concept of vowels and consonants
- Teaching blending to read words
- Teaching segmenting to spell words
- Periodic assessment and review
- Dictation of words, etc.
Rainbow Phonics For Explorer
Designed for the age group 5 to 6 years old, the course is intended to achieve the following:
- Formal and informal writing
- Understanding of syllables in words
- Different alternative vowel spellings and spelling patterns
- Teaches different punctuation marks
- Develops dictionary and thesaurus skills
- Teaches how to conjugate verbs
- Teaches verb tenses
- Teaches doubling rule
- Teaches antonyms and synonyms, etc.
Comprehensive Jolly Grammar
Designed for the age group 6 to 12 years old, this program is intended to teach and build children’s vocabulary and reading skills. This is achieved by providing them the knowledge of alternative spellings and introducing them to creative writing.