International Polar Bear Day 2023: Know Why Is It Celebrated

Polar bears are categorized as marine animals because they carry a thick layer of body fat and a water-resistant coat to protect themselves from the freezing cold air and water of the Arctic Ocean. Every year on February 27, people throughout the world commemorate International Polar Bear Day to raise awareness about the plight of polar bear mothers and babies in their dens.

International Polar Bear Day 2023 Date

The 27th of February is designated as International Polar Bear Day, a time to raise awareness about the plight of polar bears and the need to lessen our own carbon impact. The polar bears’ survival is in jeopardy due to climate change, and we must act to ensure their survival.

Event nameDayDate
International Polar Bear Day 2023Monday27th February 2023
International Polar Bear Day 2024Tuesday27th February 2024

Why is International Polar Bear Day so important?

For the environment, polar bears are essential. The Arctic ecology is delicate, and the extinction of polar bears might set off a domino effect that would be difficult to reverse. Due to the reduced amount of heat reflection from the Arctic, our planet will be subject to increasingly violent heat waves as a result of the melting of the ice cap.Even if we don’t live in a coastal area, increasing sea levels will have a significant effect on coastal towns and our agriculture.

CheckSpecial days in February

International Polar Bear Day 2023: A chronology of events

To maintain the Arctic ecology, indigenous peoples have lived and hunted polar bears for thousands of years. Hunters from Europe, Russia, and North America started to decimate the polar bear population in the 1700s, resulting in the extinction of the species. People were allowed to catch as many polar bears as they wanted without any controls, and the species deteriorated as a result.

Because of the increased use of fossil fuels in the 1950s, the situation was growing progressively worse. The melting of the sea ice due to the use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas has altered the polar bear’s natural habitat. As governments rejected environmental organizations’ appeals to do more to conserve the Arctic and polar bears, environmental groups started to speak out on behalf of the polar bear.

The International Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears and Their Habitat was signed in 1973 by the United States, Denmark, Norway, and the former Soviet Union. Commercial hunting was restricted under the agreement, and the United States government-designated polar bears as endangered. Polar Bears International (PBI), a non-profit organization, was founded in 1994 with the goal of establishing action initiatives to conserve the polar bear.

A new find in Norway may have solved the mystery of the polar bear’s origins for experts. Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago, was discovered in 2004 by scientists who were able to estimate that the species originally roamed the globe roughly 150,000 years ago.

Ways to Celebrate International Polar Bear Day Around the World

  • Many resources are available from Polar Bear International to help raise awareness of this issue. You may also get in touch with your elected officials and let them know how concerned you are about environmental issues.
  • With community action toolkits, you can make a difference right here at home. Information on thermostat conservation, laws for gadgets, transportation accounts, and bike information are among the four difficulties that are addressed. From your own living room, you can make a difference.
  • Using their temporary profile frame, you may switch up your Facebook profile image or download eye-catching stickers for use in advertising materials. Join the discussion with the hashtag #InternationalPolarBearDay.
  • You have a voice, so use it! Make yourself aware of the political climate that affects the environment. Do your homework on your local and national legislators’ positions on climate change before you make a donation to make sure your vote counts.

International Polar Bear Day 2023 Interesting facts

  • The polar bear is the world’s biggest terrestrial carnivore.
  • International Polar Bear Day was launched in 2011 and has been observed annually since.
  • They Weight gain during the winter. It is possible for a huge male polar bear to reach a weight of 1,700 pounds.
  • Seals are the primary prey of polar bears, who are essentially carnivores.
  • Any animal species has a longer known fasting period: roughly 180 days for female bears.
  • They have black skin under their white fur to absorb the sun’s heat.

Frequently Asked Questions

When was the first commemoration of the polar bear established as a national holiday?

Polar Bears International (PBI), a non-profit organization, was founded in 1994 with the goal of establishing action initiatives to conserve the polar bear. International Polar Bear Day was launched in 2011 and has been observed annually since.

In 2050, will there still be polar bears?

According to a series of U.S. government studies revealed, two-thirds of the world’s polar bears might be extinct by the year 2050 as the Arctic sea ice continues to melt.

Where are polar bears usually found?

Arctic polar bears may be found from the United States (Alaska) and Canada to Russia, Greenland, and Norway (Svalbard). Even the Geographic North Pole, located in the center of the Arctic Ocean, has been visited by these explorers on a few occasions.

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