Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra Agra Uttar Pradesh- Admission 2024-25, Last Date to Apply, Fee, Address, Phone Number

Name of the School Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra
District Agra
StateUttar Pradesh
School AddressBamrouli Katra Fatehabad Road Agra Uttar Pradesh 282006
School Email [email protected]
Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra Phone Number9760954166
Affiliation Number2130690
Year of Foundation1999
Date of First Opening of School7th January 1999 12 AM
School Status Senior Secondary Level
Name of Trust/ Society/ Managing CommitteeP C Mangalick Public Charitable Trust

About Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra Agra Uttar Pradesh

Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra is a senior secondary school located in Agra district of Uttar Pradesh. The school is affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education with affiliation number 2130690.

The school was founded in the year 1999 and the first day of opening of school was 7th January 1999 12 AM.

The school is located in Bamrouli Katra in Agra district of Uttar Pradesh. You can call Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra on 9760954166 for any concern related to the school.

Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra Admission

There are more than 100 CBSE schools in Agra and Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra is one of them. The school follows CBSE guidelines to accept applications and enrollment of students.

Parents are required to apply for Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra admission in the prescribed application form as shared by the school. Seats are limited and the school reserves its right to accept/reject admission of an applicant.

Here is the list of documents required for admission at Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra:

  • Duly-filled application form
  • Birth certificate/Aadhaar card
  • Parent’s ID proof
  • School Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate (in case of shifting)
  • Character Certificate of the student
  • Report card of the previous school

The list of the documents may vary as per the school’s decision.

Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra Fee Structure

The fee structure of Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra for the current session is not available.

If you know the fee structure of Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra then kindly share it to us [email protected].

It will help many parents and students seeking admission here.

Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra Syllabus

Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra follows syllabus prescribed by Central Board of Secondary Education. Check below full CBSE syllabus for various classes:

CBSE Class 12 SyllabusGet Now
CBSE Class 11 SyllabusGet Now
CBSE Class 10 SyllabusGet Now
CBSE Class 9 SyllabusGet Now
CBSE Class 8 SyllabusGet Now
CBSE Class 7 SyllabusGet Now
CBSE Class 6 SyllabusGet Now
CBSE Class 5 SyllabusGet Now

Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra Contact Details

Please check below Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra mailing address, phone number, email, and official website.

Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra address- Bamrouli Katra Fatehabad Road Agra Uttar Pradesh 282006

Phone number- 91 9760954166

Email- [email protected]

Official website of Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli

Seeking quick answer to your concern (s) related to Manglik Shiksha Kendra Bamrouli Katra? write to us in the comment box below!

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