Indian National Olympiad

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) will conduct the Indian National Olympiad 2024 for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and Junior Science. For Mathematics, the first stage (Pre-Regional Mathematical Olympiad) will be conducted by the MTA and the final stage (Regional Mathematical Olympiad) will be organized by the HBCSE. Candidates currently enrolled in schools can apply for these Olympiad exams through online mode. The students can find complete information related to the Indian National Olympiad 2024 like important dates, eligibility criteria, application process, etc here from this article.
Olympiads Conducted by HBCSE
The following Olympiads will be conducted by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education:
- National Standard Examinations in Astronomy (NSEA)
- National Standard Examinations in Biology (NSEB)
- National Standard Examinations in Chemistry (NSEC)
- National Standard Examinations in Junior Science (NSEJS)
- National Standard Examinations in Physics (NSEP)
- Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO)
Indian National Olympiad 2024 Important Dates
The table below presents the tentative dates related to the Indian National Olympiad 2024:
For Science Olympiad:
Activities | Tentative Dates |
Stage 1 (National Standard Examination) | |
Commencement of candidates enrollment process | yet to be announced |
Last date for enrollment of candidates | yet to be announced |
Last date to make payment of enrollment fees to the center in-charge | yet to be announced |
Release of admit card for NSEJS exam | yet to be announced |
Release of admit card for NSEP, NSEC, NSEB and NSEA exams | yet to be announced |
Date of NSEJS exam | yet to be announced |
Date of NSEP, NSEC, NSEB, NSEA exams | yet to be announced |
Uploading of marks obtained | yet to be announced |
Display of list of candidates selected for Indian National Olympiad | yet to be announced |
Stage 2 (Indian National Olympiad) | |
Beginning of registration of the candidates | yet to be announced |
Last date for the candidates to register | yet to be announced |
Release of admit card for INAO, INJSO, INChO exams | yet to be announced |
Release of admit card for INPhO, INBO exams | yet to be announced |
Date of INAO, INJSO, INChO exams | yet to be announced |
Date of INPhO, INBO exams | yet to be announced |
Declaration of result | yet to be announced |
Stage 3 (Orientation-cum-Selection Camp) | |
Orientation-cum-Selection Camp | yet to be announced |
Stage 4 (Pre-departure Camp) | |
Pre-departure Camp | yet to be announced |
Stage 5 (International Olympiad) | |
Date of International Olympiad | yet to be announced |
For Mathematics Olympiad:
Activities | Tentative Dates |
Beginning of registration process | yet to be announced |
Beginning of registration process at any registration center | yet to be announced |
Beginning of registration process for students of open school | yet to be announced |
Last date to submit the registration form | yet to be announced |
Date of PRMO exam | yet to be announced |
Indian National Olympiad 2024 Eligibility Criteria
The following eligibility criteria have been laid down by the HBCSE for appearing in the Indian National Olympiad 2024:
For Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry and Physics:
- The candidate must be eligible to hold an Indian passport.
- Date of birth of the candidate should fall between 1 July 2005 and 30 June 2010, both days inclusive.
- The students must be residing and studying in India or studying in an Indian school system since 30 November 2022 or earlier.
- Applicants must not have completed their class 12 board examination before 30 November 2024.
- Candidates must not have commenced studies in a university or equivalent institution by 1 June 2024.
- The candidate should not have appeared in the 2024 Olympiad exam.
For Junior Science:
- The candidate must be eligible to hold an Indian passport.
- Date of birth of the candidate should fall between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2011, both days inclusive.
- The students must be residing and studying in India or studying in an Indian school system since 30 November 2022 or earlier.
- Applicants must not have completed their class 10 board examination before 30 November 2024.
- The candidate should not have appeared in the 2024 Olympiad exam.
For Mathematics:
- The candidate must be eligible to hold an Indian passport.
- Date of birth of the candidate should fall on or after August 1, 2005
- Students of class 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 from any recognized board/ school are eligible for PRMO 2024.
Indian National Olympiad 2024 Application Process
For Science Olympiad:
- Enrollment at own school: The students can enroll through their own institution if it is a registered NSE centre. The principal would be the contact person for this purpose.
- Enrollment at a different school: If the students’ own institution is not a registered NSE centre, they can participate in NSE by registering at a nearby centre.
- All students registered from states other than the state of their School are required to send the scanned copy of the NSE admit card, and the school ID by email to or else they will be disqualified.
- Enrollment fees: 150/- per student per subject to be paid to the centre in-charge of the NSE registration centre.
For Mathematics Olympiad:
- Candidates can register online for the Mathematics Olympiad by visiting the official website of MTA
- Students can approach any one of the approved registration centers and register through them as well.
- For non-KV and non-JNV student, there will be a registration fee of Rs. 230/-. KV and JNV students need to pay Rs. 125/- or Rs. 100/- as registration fee.
Indian National Olympiad 2024 Exam Pattern
A basic exam pattern overview for Indian National Olympiad is provided below:
For Science Olympiad:
- Number of questions: 80
- Type of question: Objective type
- Question paper language: English or Hindi (Gujarati & Bangla for Physics exam)
- Negative marking: Applicable
For Mathematics Olympiad:
- Duration of exam: 3 hours
- Number of questions: 30
Admit Card
- The admit card of the candidates will be released online and can be downloaded from the HBCSE website.
- Candidates should take a printout of the admit card carry it with them to the exam center on the day of exam.
- In the absence of the admit card, the candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
- Basic details of the students like name, roll number and of the exam such as center, date and time will be mentioned on the admit card.
- The candidates must preserve the admit card till the result of the different stage of exam are complete.
- Result of the different stages of the Olympiad exams will be released on the official website.
- A list of the names of students who qualify for the next round will be uploaded on the website.
- Final score and performance card of the candidates who qualify INO will also be made available on the website.
- For science Olympiad, the candidates will be eligible for Indian National Olympiad after qualifying National Standard Examination.
- For mathematics Olympiad, the candidates will be eligible for Regional Mathematics Olympiad after qualifying Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad.
The syllabus for the Olympiad exam will be broadly equivalent to senior secondary level (up to and including Class XII) of CBSE. There will be greater emphasis on Physics, Mathematics and elementary Astronomy.
Yes. The candidates will be provided the option to provide their choice for question paper language at the time of enrolment.
If at some later stage it is found that the student does not meet the eligibility norms, he/ she may face disqualification from the programme.
A maximum of 4 to 6 candidates who clear the first two stages of the Science Olympiad will be selected to participate in the International Olympiad.
Candidates need to login with their NSE roll number and date of birth to check their INO score and download the Performance Card. Performance cards will not be sent by post or email.
I was looking for Olympiad exams that provide individual registration and online exam mode for students. I found CREST and Unicus Olympiads provides this. Does any site provide this facility too?