World GK Quiz Questions and Answers 2024

[121] Which one is the official language of Canada along with English
(A) Germany
(B) Portuguese
(C) French
(D) Spanish
Answer: (C) (French)
[122] Which one is the largest city of Canada?
(A) Toronto
(B) Ottawa
(C) Quebec
(D) Montreal
Answer: A (Toronto)
[123] Havana is the capital of
(A) Cuba
(B) Brazil
(C) Argentina
(D) Canada
Answer: A (Cuba)
[124] Which one is the judicial capital of South Africa?
(A) Cape Town
(B) Pretoria
(C) Bloemfontein
(D) Johannesburg
Answer: C (Bloemfontein)
[125] which one is the largest city of African continent?
(A) Lagos
(B) Cairo
(C) Pretoria
(D) Cape Town
Answer: B (Cairo)
[126] Which country was previously known as the Malagasy Republic?
(A) Malawi
(B) Malaysia
(C) Maldives
(D) Madagascar
Answer: D (Madagascar)
[127] Which one is the largest country by area in the African continent?
(A) Egypt
(B) South Africa
(C) Algeria
(D) Sudan
Answer: C (Algeria)
[128] Mount Kilimanjaro which is the highest mountain in Africa is located in
(A) Tanzania
(B) Egypt
(C) South Africa
(D) Congo
Answer: A (Tanzania)
[129] In which continent, the island country Madagascar is located?
(A) South America
(B) Africa
(C) Asia
(D) Australia
Answer: B (Africa)
[130] In which of the following countries, you will find the Ural Mountains?
(A) Germany
(B) Russia
(C) Brazil
(D) Peru
Answer: B (Russia)
[131] The longest river in Australia is
(A) Eri
(B) Ontario
(C) Murray
(D) None of the above
Answer: C (Murray)
[132] Ruhr region is located in
(A) Alaska
(B) Russia
(C) Poland
(D) Germany
Answer: D (Germany)
[133] Which one is the 193rd country to join United Nation?
(A) Afghanistan
(B) South Sudan
(C) East Timor
(D) Serbia
Answer: B (South Sudan)
[134] Ikebana’ is a Japanese art of
(A) Dressing
(B) Flower Arrangement
(C) Paper Craft
(D) None of the above
Answer: B (Flower Arrangement)
[135] Which one is the 50th State of United State of America?
(A) Alaska
(B) Arizona
(C) Utah
(D) Hawaii
Answer: D (Hawaii)
[136] Transylvania is a part of which country
(A) Poland
(B) Romania
(C) Hungary
(D) Austria
Answer: B (Romania)
[137] The popular social dance ‘Salsa’ is originated from
(A) Brazil
(B) Italy
(C) Mexico
(D) America
Answer: D (America)
[138] The “Tartar” tribe inhabitates in which part of the world
(A) Siberia
(B) Kenya
(C) Europe
(D) Australia
Answer: A (Siberia)
[139] European Union was established as a result of
(A) Treaty of Paris, 1951
(B) New York Agreement
(C) Paris Peace Accords
(D) Treaty of Versailles
Answer: A (Treaty of Paris, 1951)
[140] Oslo is the capital of _______
(A) Denmark
(B) Finland
(C) Hungary
(D) Norway
Answer: D (Norway)
[141] Which international organisation was created as a result of North Atlantic Treaty, 1949?
(D) UN
Answer: B (NATO)
[142] Total number of countries in the group of the Commonwealth of Nations?
(A) 26
(B) 32
(C) 48
(D) 53
Answer: D (53)
[143] What country was known as Rhodesia?
(A) Sudan
(B) Italy
(C) Zambia
(D) Zimbabwe
Answer: D (Zimbabwe)
[144] Which one is the first country to make broadband a legal right for every citizen
(A) England
(B) Finland
(C) Denmark
(D) China
Answer: B (Finland)
[145] What country calls itself Nippon?
(A) South Korea
(B) Japan
(C) Thailand
(D) North Korea
Answer: B (Japan)
[146] Which European country is surrounded by most number of neighboring countries?
(A) Germany
(B) Russia
(C) Austria
(D) Denmark
Answer: A (Germany)
[147] Which one is the first country to allow women to vote?
(A) Australia
(B) New Zealand
(C) Canada
(D) America
Answer: B (New Zealand)
[148] The Great Victoria Desert is located in
(A) Canada
(B) West Africa
(C) Australia
(D) North America
Answer: C (Australia)
[149] Which of the following is tropical grassland?
(A) Taiga
(B) Savannah
(C) Pampas
(D) Prairies
Answer: B (Savannah)
[150] with the disintegration of USSR in end 1991, comprised of ____ Union Republics.
(A) 15
(B) 10
(C) 5
(D) 25
Answer: A (15)
Please send me the pdf of all the notes given above
All the questions are very very hard for me only 🤣🤣
Superb questions . Very good 😊👍
Good questions very hard
Excellent questions indeed, well done👍.